
Real, Measured and Optimized Sales and Marketing Result

Click Shift connects B2B companies to real, measured, and optimized sales and marketing results. We specialize in SEM, SEO, Commerce and ABM and pride ourselves on how we use lead and revenue data to power our decisions. Our team’s content-driven approach leverages unmatched topic research along with behavioral and geo-targeting to help you attract the right clients and drive better business opportunities. For more advanced teams we not only build your funnel but we power the reports that allow sales leaders to monitor and manage phone and form leads downstream. From the dark funnel to deep in the green we got you covered!

A Strategic Score Driven Development Partner

When it comes to campaign development and targeting Click Shift takes a unique quality score-driven approach to ads and landing page development. Put simply, this means that landing pages are developed to ensure corresponding keywords that are bid on in AdWords always receive top-quality scores from Google. Naturally, this inbound marketing approach means that you get more paid visitors for less money while also getting more organic visitors. This combined with the technical chops to ensure your data is being utilized to it’s max is what makes us unmatched in B2B demand generation.

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Lased focused on revenue, repeat buyers and referrals

Click Shift delivers strategic digital marketing initiatives that drive real, measured and optimized marketing and sales results. Our content-driven approach leverages topic authority along with behavior and relevance targeting to help you attract the right clients and drive better business opportunities.

Our North Star is the Customer Experience

While getting visitors to your site is great, what matters is converting them into customers and growing accounts

With this in mind, we create related keyword landing pages to narrowly push visitors to take a specific step or set of steps that lead to a conversion. We track and test the performance of every stage of the funnel on a regular basis to ensure you’re getting an optimal conversion rate. 


Funnels we have built have driven over 100MM in Revenue for industrial and commercial clients across North America

Our funnel driven approach to marketing means we not only get you found but help turn your clicks into customers. Leveraging leading conversion optimization tools and best practices, we help optimize all of the marketing touch-points affecting a customer’s lifetime spend, rather than simply those leading to their initial inquiry.

Get data-driven marketing that shifts the way you think about driving clicks and generating leads.