Call Rail and Salesforce

In the realm of sales and marketing, understanding and responding to customer interactions is paramount. Integrating CallRail with Salesforce offers businesses a golden opportunity to capture detailed call and text message data directly within their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This integration not only enriches customer profiles but also provides actionable insights into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Here’s a step-by-step guide on achieving a seamless integration between CallRail and Salesforce, tailored for the Click Shift audience.

Preparing for Integration

Before diving into the technicalities, it’s crucial to ensure that your systems are ready for integration. This includes verifying the compatibility of your CallRail and Salesforce editions and understanding the API limits imposed by both platforms. Additionally, securing the necessary user permissions in both systems is essential to avoid any hiccups during the setup process.

Setting Up Integration in CallRail

  1. Initiate Integration: Start by logging into your CallRail dashboard, navigating to “Settings,” and selecting “Integrations.” Choose Salesforce from the list of available integrations to kickstart the setup process.
  2. Authenticate Your Account: The integration requires you to authenticate your Salesforce account by entering your login credentials. This step is crucial for establishing a secure connection between CallRail and Salesforce.
  3. Customize Lead/Contact Creation: Define how you want CallRail to manage incoming call data. Whether creating new leads, updating contacts, or utilizing custom objects, this step ensures that call data enriches your Salesforce database in a way that aligns with your business processes.

Mapping and Customization

A critical phase of the integration involves customizing how CallRail data maps to Salesforce fields. This entails deciding which CallRail data points should correspond to specific Salesforce fields, such as linking caller IDs to the Lead’s Phone field. For businesses with unique data requirements, setting up custom fields in Salesforce to accommodate CallRail data can further enhance the utility of the integration.

Testing and Validation

After configuring the integration, conducting thorough tests is essential to ensure that data flows correctly from CallRail to Salesforce. This involves making test calls and verifying that the data accurately syncs with Salesforce, reflecting in the correct creation or updating of lead/contact records. Monitoring the integration’s performance after deployment helps in identifying and rectifying any issues promptly.

Documentation and Training

Documenting the integration setup and training your team on its implications are final yet critical steps. A well-documented setup guide aids in troubleshooting and future reference, while training ensures that your team can leverage the integrated data effectively in their sales and marketing efforts.

Ensuring Compliance and Security

Navigating the complexities of data privacy regulations is essential. Ensure that your integration complies with relevant laws like GDPR or CCPA, safeguarding customer data and maintaining trust.


Integrating CallRail with Salesforce unlocks a new level of insight and efficiency in managing customer interactions. By following this comprehensive guide, businesses can enhance their CRM capabilities, leading to improved lead management and marketing effectiveness. At Click Shift, we understand the importance of leveraging technology to meet customer needs effectively. For further assistance or to explore how this integration can be customized to fit your unique business requirements, feel free to reach out to our experts.